A traditional spectrophotometer reflects light onto the sample, then measures the color of the reflectance that comes back into the device. While the MetaVue still uses light, it also incorporates an imaging camera to pull out specific colors for formulation. It’s a revolutionary technology that is faster, easier, and more accurate than any other paint color matching system on the market. 

Handle every customer sample with confidence!

Like its predecessor, the MatchRite iVue, MetaVue integrates with ColorDesigner PLUS for fast and accurate formulation. Here are the features that set MetaVue apart from the competition.

1 – Smart Spot Measurement

Our proprietary smart spot measurement offers three illuminators, which enables adaptive and sensitive readings of various textures and patterns. This image processing technique compensates for texture and appearance effects on difficult samples and eliminates pixels that can throw off a color measurement, like shadows and highlights.

2 – Live On-Screen Targeting

With live on-screen targeting right on the instrument, operators can adjust the target location and precisely capture the perfect sample area.

3 – Dominant Color Extraction

MetaVue can capture measurements as small as 2 mm to as large as 12 mm, making it much easier to work around artifacts and set realistic customer expectations. For samples with multiple colors, such as a throw pillow from your sofa or a multi-colored wallpaper, MetaVue can pull out multiple colors, even if they are not side-by-side.

4 – Image and Color Data Storage

ColorDesigner PLUS can store custom paint recipes and visual measurement references for repeat customers. Those who have been using MatchRite iVue can save time in the upgrade process by using existing color and customer data. 

5 – Improved sample positioner

Since it’s non-contact, MetaVue is forgiving when measuring samples that are not flat, empowering users to color match a wider variety of samples than ever before. The redesigned sample positioner provides a better user experience, and is easier to clean.